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Mr. G.V. (Vince) Amico

Dr. Louis Birta

Janis Cannon-Bowers

Roy Crosbie

Dr. Bruce T. Fairchild

Dr. Steven C. Gordon

Jennie Henderson

Dr. Amy Henninger

RADM Frederick Lewis, USN (Ret.)

Mr. Gary M. Lightner

Dr. R. Bowen Loftin

Dr. Michael Macedonia

Dr. Dennis McBride

Dr. Duncan Miller

Mr. Henry C. Okraski

Dr. Ralph Rogers

Dr. Hessan Sarjoughian

Mr. James Shiflett

Mr. Tom Stanford

Mr. Joseph Swinski

Dr. Helena Szczerbicka

Mr. Harry Thompson, III

Mr. William Waite

Mr. Jeffery Wallace

CAPT William (Mark) Yerkes, USN (Ret.)

Dr. Bernard Zeigler

Dr. Michael Zyda




Dr. Michael Macedonia is the Chief Technology Officer for the US Army Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation (PEO STRI, formerly know as STRICOM). He is responsible for developing the technology strategy for the Army's lead training and instrumentation acquisition organization.

While at PEO STRI, he led the Army's effort to develop the Institute for Creative Technologies, initiated the Full Spectrum Warrior X-Box project, and established the Massive Multiplayer Game project. Recently he has been the lead for the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) initiative for simulation under the DARPA PCA program and co-sponsored the ACM SIGGRAPH GPU Workshop with Nvidia and ATI.

A graduate of West Point, Macedonia served as an infantry officer in a variety of command and staff positions in the United States and overseas assignments including Germany and the Middle East. He also served as a project manager for computer and electronic Warfare systems. Following his military service, Macedonia became the Vice-president of the Fraunhofer Center for Research in Computer Graphics, Inc. (CRCG) in Providence, Rhode Island. Macedonia then joined the Institute for Defense Analyses in Alexandria, Virginia as a Research Staff Member for Modeling and Simulation. He later became a senior scientist at Georgia Tech Research Institute.

Macedonia has a Ph.D. in Computer Science and a M.S. in Telecommunications. He is a contributing editor and on the editorial board of IEEE Computer. He is the Entertainment Computing editor for IEEE Computer. He is also a contributing editor to IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications and the Army Principal to the Interservice/Industry Simulation, Training, and Education Conference. For a list of publications and articles on Dr. Macedonia, see www.firestrike.org.

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