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Mr. G.V. (Vince) Amico

Dr. Louis Birta

Janis Cannon-Bowers

Roy Crosbie

Dr. Bruce T. Fairchild

Dr. Steven C. Gordon

Jennie Henderson

Dr. Amy Henninger

RADM Frederick Lewis, USN (Ret.)

Mr. Gary M. Lightner

Dr. R. Bowen Loftin

Dr. Michael Macedonia

Dr. Dennis McBride

Dr. Duncan Miller

Mr. Henry C. Okraski

Dr. Ralph Rogers

Dr. Hessan Sarjoughian

Mr. James Shiflett

Mr. Tom Stanford

Mr. Joseph Swinski

Dr. Helena Szczerbicka

Mr. Harry Thompson, III

Mr. William Waite

Mr. Jeffery Wallace

CAPT William (Mark) Yerkes, USN (Ret.)

Dr. Bernard Zeigler

Dr. Michael Zyda




Vince Amico started his career in simulation when he joined the Special Devices Center in 1948 as a Project Engineer in the Flight Trainers Branch. He was promoted to Branch head, Division head, and then to Chief Engineer of the Special Projects Office. In 1969 he was selected for the Position of Director of Engineering at the Senior Executive level. He was assigned to the position of Director of Research in 1979. He retired in 1981. Since then he has done consulting and taught many short course on simulation. He has presented papers at SCS and I/ITSEC Conferences. He was the first Chair of the I/ITSEC Conference. He was member of he Board of SCS and also served as VP Conferences. He is a member of AFCEA, AIAA, NDIA and SCS. He holds BofAE, MBA and MSE degrees. He is member of Tau Beta Pi, Alpha Pi Mu and Sigma XI, Scientific Research Society of America He is the Industrial Affiliates Coordinator for the Department of Computer Science at UCF. He was member of the initial Board of Directors of the National Center for Simulation and is now the Chair of the Technology Committee.

2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 400 • Arlington, VA 22201
Phone: 703.247.9471 • Fax: 703.243.1659
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