
P. Zeigler (PI) is Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
at the University of Arizona, Tucson and Director of the Arizona
Center for Integrative Modeling and Simulation. Receiving
awards for his books and articles in the foundations of simulation,
he was named Fellow of the IEEE for his theory of discrete
event simulation based on the Discrete Event System Specification
(DEVS) formalism in 1995. In 2000 he received the McLeod Founder’s
Award by the Society for Computer Simulation, its highest
recognition, for his contributions to discrete event simulation.
His foundational text, "Theory of Modeling and Simulation,"
(Wiley 1976) was revised for a second edition and was published
by Academic Press in January, 2000. Zeigler has served on
several National Research Council committees to recommend
directions for information technology and simulation modeling
in the 21st Century. Zeigler is currently Vice President in
charge of Publications for the Society for Modeling and Simulation